Welcome to Connect
We’re excited to announce a new series of community events called Connect.
Connect is a monthly event that will help our community address the state of their digital presence, plus look towards the future of the web industry.
Standing Out in a Sea of Digital
Over the next six months Connect will run the theme ‘Standing Out in a Sea of Digital’. We’re bringing together a network of industry experts and other small business owners where the handpicked speakers will challenge ideas and drive thought leadership at every event.
Our CEO Ijan Kruizinga invites you and broader Crucial community along:
Connect presents an opportunity to build a community that involves our customers and partners, the purpose of the community is to connect businesses so that we can learn and grow together.
Connect October: ‘Is SEO the Joker in your Online Strategy?’
At the inaugural event on October 23, ex-Google guy Jasper Vallance and co-founder of Online Marketing Gurus, Mez Homayunfard, will be launching Connect with a bang. The title for the October event being ‘Is SEO the Joker in your Online Strategy?’
Connect goes beyond your DIY and how-to’s; Connect is about challenging ideas and providing thought leadership. Crucial is presenting you with a unique opportunity to engage with the Australian small business community, network with industry experts and other small business owners.
Join the Connect Community on Google+
Connect with other members of the community, ask questions and view photos from the events. Join in the discussion today!
Reserve Your Ticket (hurry they’re limited!)
Online Strategist and ex-Google guy Jasper Vallance joins up with Mez Homayunfard, Co-Founder of Online Marketing Gurus, to speak at the inaugural Connect event on October 23. For more information please visit the EventBrite page.
Information is also available here: www.crucial.com.au/our-community/connect