R1Soft CDP 2.0: Server/Connection Errors

R1Soft CDP 2.0: Server/Connection Errors

Crucial Paradigm hosts more than 1500 Linux Virtual Servers, nowadays the importance of one or multiple backups is critical. We provide the R1Soft Backup solution as an add-on for Linux VMs.

For those of who currently hosted on R1Soft CDP 2.0, it comes with easy to use web based graphic interface from where you can restore data directly to your Linux VPS in one click. By default Crucial provides 7 daily backup recovery points on R1soft. During setup we install R1Soft agent (buagent) on your Linux VPS and then configure backups in CDP 2.0 server interface and ensure that backups are scheduled to run nightly.

However we have noticed that there are several issues that stop R1Soft agent (buagent) to work smoothly on Linux VMs.

The following issues have been previously identified by our Technical support team and are continually being diagnosed and repaired, however customers can also fix the issues by following these guides:

1> Some customers are not aware of the R1Soft agent (buagent), so on occasion when  they see load on their Linux VPS through commands such as ‘top’ they identify the buagent service and stop it. Later on, they realise the backups are not running and call in for help.

Solution: SSH to your Linux VPS server and run the following command to restart buagent:

# /etc/init.d/buagent restart

If it is not restarting then please contact Technical Support via the Support Desk.


2> If you see this error in CDP under backup logs “Failed to connect to ( Connection timed out”

Solution: Firewall could be blocking it, need to manually whitelist public & private IP of CDP server in firewall:

If you are running iptables on your server then you can run the following command:

# iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT

# iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT

# service iptables save

If you are running CSF with CPanel/WHM then run the following commands:

# csf -dr

# csf -dr


3> If you see this error “Timeout after (160) seconds waiting for response from host” or “Error writing to host: connection lost (Broken pipe)”

Solution: Quota was exceeded but after upgrading disk space, buagent not connecting to the server, So need to run ‘Test Agent’ in CDP2.

Click on Hosts -> Click on your server IP -> Click on Test Agent.


4> If you see this error “ioctl error doStartBackup”

Solution: SSH to your Linux VPS server and run the following command:

#perl -e ‘open(FILE, “/dev/backupdriver”); close(FILE)’

#lsmod (if present)

#rmmod backupdriver


5> If you see this error “Error – AGENT Failed to Start MySQL Helper”

Solution: 64-bit Host has MyHelper problems, so download the 32-bit version from repository:

Please go on this URL for step by step instruction:



6> If you see this error in your CDP2 interface under backup logs “MYHELPER: Failed to connect to the MySQL server”

Solution: It means that you might have changed MySQL root password or something wrong with Mysql service. Please contact Technical Support via the Support Desk to reconfigure MySQL add-on.


7> If you see this error “Not enough data in sum file to read BlockSum” or “Backup failed to clean up from previous interruption is dirty, repair required”

Solution: Need to add second disk safe, as first disk safe is corrupt. Please contact Technical Support via the Support Desk to add new one.


8> If you get this error “Network timeout occurred after (1000) seconds closing connection to host”

Solution: Need to reinstall buagent on VPS server. Please contact Technical Support via the Support Desk to do that.


9> Buagent works only with correct kernel headers. If OS is updated using yum update command – this will update kernel headers to latest headers which is not compatible with buagent.
Hence buagent will stop working and resulting backups not being taken on CDP2 server. Please do not update the kernel.

Please contact Technical Support via the Support Desk if you have any queries.


