Round the Office Roundup
G’day and welcome to the new Round the Office Roundup! In this series of quick blog posts, you get a delicious feed of exclusive peeps into company operations and projects, as well as office fun and revelry that goes on at Crucial.
So, what’s going o-Newbie alert!
This week marked the start of the fresh and excited Lindsay, who will soon be ready to join our Tech Support team. We’re always on the look-out for talented people with an interest in the world of web hosting.
If you’re looking for a new adventure with a vibrant, friendly team in an exciting and ever-evolving industry, check out our recruitment portal: workatdp.com
The Customer Survey that many of our customers kindly completed in 2016 has been analysed and the results arranged into an awesome infographic for your viewing pleasure — check it out here!
We also had some exuberant, furry visitors in the office last Thursday from the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home, which we shan’t say much more about so as to avoid ruining the big surprise. Let’s just say that you should keep your eyes out for a special video coming soon…
- Timo’s newfound love!
- “Whatcha doin’?”
- Well-fed doggo.
On Fridays, we hold our team lunch, which is a big part of our week as a majority of the team comes together to socialise and indulge in an ever-varying selection of fine cuisines from around Sydney. This Friday’s lunch was exotic Lebanese from not-so-exotic Redfern, and yep, you bet –a haze of garlic sauce breath could be seen enshrouded around the office ceiling. We had to crawl everywhere!
After work, some of the lads decided to meet up for a small LAN party, playing only the most famous and classic, leader of the original fps’, Counter Strike 1.6. With beers shared, knives switched to and from, and trash-talk flowing, you can already say that the boys had a great time.
We also had one of our super-important all-hands meetings on Friday afternoon, which is a company-wide meeting for all staff to get together and celebrate all of the great achievements over the past two months. Hard-working employees are acknowledged for their efforts, exciting company news and statistics are presented, and, well, drinks are drunk.
Duck Club. Yep, we have a Duck Club at Crucial. Well, it’s more like: “a select few participants who would like to enjoy their lunch breaks a little bit more by taking stale bread down to the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens and feed the ducks (among other birds) and fish as well as eels”… Club…
That’s all for this week, folks. Have a magnificent week!